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Parental allowance and pregnancy allowance

All women have the right to take parental leave during the last two months of pregnancy. Those with particularly heavy or risky jobs may be entitled to so-called pregnancy pay during the same period.

In case of severe complications or illness, you are entitled to sick pay.

You have the right to take parental leave sixty days before the expected delivery date as quarter, half, three-quarter, or full days. Both parents can also take parental leave to attend parenting classes before the child is born. This also applies when visiting maternal care services and there are 60 days left until the expected delivery date and up until the day of delivery. You can, of course, also take vacation at the end of the pregnancy.

If you are going to be a mother, you can stop working or reduce your working hours within six months before the expected delivery date without your income qualifying for sickness benefit (SGI) being reduced (SGI is the basis for how much parental leave pay you will receive when you then take parental leave).

When you visit the midwife clinic/maternity care center (MVC), you will receive a certificate of pregnancy. You should send this certificate to the Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan); it serves as a notification of parental leave. Once the Social Insurance Agency has received the certificate, you will receive more information about parental leave at home.

When should you tell your employer that you are pregnant?

The general rule is that you should notify your employer at least two months before you plan to take parental leave. You should also inform them how long you intend to be on leave. Some workplaces have collective agreements that require you to notify them earlier or later. Ask your union representative or employer about what applies to you.

According to the Parental Leave Act, you have the right to be completely absent from work while the child is under 18 months. If you and your employer can agree, you can also divide the leave and alternate with periods of work. The law prohibits employers from disadvantaging an employee due to her or his parental leave.

Heavy work can entitle you to pregnancy allowance If you have a physically demanding job that you cannot manage due to pregnancy, you can request to be reassigned to lighter work. If your employer cannot reassign you, you can apply for pregnancy allowance from the Social Insurance Agency.

Pregnancy allowance can be granted during the last two months - from week 32. Risky work environments that require you to be removed from your work can also entitle you to pregnancy allowance.

Pregnancy allowance was previously called maternity allowance. During the last ten days before the expected delivery, you are no longer entitled to pregnancy allowance and must instead begin taking parental leave or vacation.

Parental allowance or sick pay? Certain severe complications associated with pregnancy are considered illnesses. If you become ill during pregnancy and cannot work, you may be entitled to sick pay. This applies regardless of whether the illness is related to the pregnancy or not.

Parental allowance can be used for so-called normal pregnancy discomforts. Examples of such discomforts are fatigue, contractions, swollen legs, or back pain. However, if you take out parental allowance before delivery (a maximum of 60 days before), you have fewer days to take out after the baby is born.

Allowance during parental education You are entitled to receive parental allowance to participate in parental education when you are expecting or have just had a baby. Both parents can participate in the education simultaneously and receive parental allowance for the same time.

Good information can also be found at the Social Insurance Agency.

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