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Breastfeeding - how to increase your milk production

Wondering about your milk supply while breastfeeding? You're not alone, it's perfectly normal to have questions and concerns along the way. Here we'll explore common reasons for variations in milk production and how to manage them. Let's ease your mind and keep you informed on your breastfeeding journey. Download the LEIA Health-app to access the feeding-log and if you want to learn more about breastfeeding read this article about breastfeeding in the early days and different breastfeeding positions.

Causes of decreased milk production

It's completely normal to feel a bit anxious about your milk supply while breastfeeding. Sometimes, your mind may play tricks on you, perhaps because of something you heard from someone else. Other times, the amount of milk can temporarily decrease due to factors such as stress, pain, anxiety, illness, grief, menstruation, or when using a nipple shield, among other reasons.

It can also be caused by when your baby doesn't breastfeed often enough, doesn't latch properly, or when your baby's sucking efficiency decreases due to factors like having a cold.


Regulating your milk supply

You increase your milk supply by breastfeeding more frequently than you currently do. The more you breastfeed, the more milk is produced. Conversely, if you want to decrease your milk supply, you can decrease the frequency of breastfeeding sessions.

Each time the breast releases milk, a signal is sent to the brain to produce more milk. If the milk isn't released and the breasts feel tense and full, signals are sent to the brain to reduce milk production.

It's essential to note that breastfeeding less often is a common reason for slight weight gain and the sensation of having insufficient milk. However, by understanding the causes and adjusting breastfeeding habits, you can balance your milk production and feel more confident in the breastfeeding process.

''I felt stressed that my milk production didn't start when my daughter was born, but when I began using the feeding log, my stress disappeared, and I felt that there was no shame in bottle-feeding.''

If you're having difficulties with breastfeeding or feeling concerned about milk production, it's important to contact your midwife or healthcare provider to get the help you need.

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